2022/03/26 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップ、まとめました。
- 2022/03/26 のピックアップ
- Microsoft Tech Community
- Extending Operational Technology to Azure
- AzUpdate S04E07: VNET & Changes in IP addresses, Azure Dedicated Host SKUs, ARM Templates & more.
- Benchmarks and scalability of Hexagon simulation portfolio on Azure
- Well-Architected Branches for Assessing Workload-Types
- Flowlets and Change Feed now GA in Azure Data Factory
- Microsoft Tech Community
- 参考リンク
2022/03/26 のピックアップ
Microsoft Tech Community
Extending Operational Technology to Azure
Extending Operational Technology to Azure | Microsoft Community Hub
In this post we are going to explore how does one cloud enable the OT environment and at the same time be true to the st...

運用テクノロジの Azure 拡張について、記載されています。
AzUpdate S04E07: VNET & Changes in IP addresses, Azure Dedicated Host SKUs, ARM Templates & more.
AzUpdate S04E07: VNET & Changes in IP addresses, Azure Dedicated Host SKUs, ARM Templates & more.
We are back with AzUpdate. Our Schedule has been “wonky” for the past few weeks in light of world events and guidance f...

2022/03/20 週のアップデート情報が纏められています。
Benchmarks and scalability of Hexagon simulation portfolio on Azure
Benchmarks and scalability of Hexagon simulation portfolio on Azure | Microsoft Community Hub
Performance of MSC Nastran on Azure HPC.Demonstration of the scale and performance of simulations with parallelization a...

Azure 上における Hexagon シムレーション ポートフォリオのベンチマークとスケーラビリティについて、記載されています。
Well-Architected Branches for Assessing Workload-Types
Well-Architected Branches for Assessing Workload-Types | Microsoft Community Hub
Branches in the Well-Architected Review will allow you to assess a workload-type with specific questions, answers and re...

Flowlets and Change Feed now GA in Azure Data Factory
Flowlets and Change Feed now GA in Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse Analytics mapping data flow has 2 new features that Microsoft has just released as ...

Azure Data Factory (ADF) と Azure Synapse Analytics でフローレットと変更フィードが GA した旨のアナウンスです。