Azure Blog / Azure Update / Microsoft Tech Community ピックアップ (2022/09/07)

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2022/09/07 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップ、まとめました。


2022/09/07 のピックアップ

Azure Update

Generally available: Azure Data Explorer Kusto Emulator

Public preview: Stream Analytics no-code editor updates in August 2022

General availability: Authenticate to Service Bus using managed identity

General availability: Azure Database for PostgreSQL output in Stream Analytics

General availability: Managed private endpoint support to Synapse SQL output

General availability: Up to 45% performance gains in stream processing

Generally available: Resource instance rules for access to Azure Storage

Microsoft Tech Community

Mapping Google Cloud IAM concepts to similar ones in Azure

Configure JMeter script to optimize utilization of test engines in Azure Load Testing

New query optimization techniques in Apache Spark for Azure Synapse

Power of Threat Intelligence sprinkled across Microsoft Sentinel

Generally available: Kusto Emulator

SAP on Azure high availability – change from SPN to MSI for Pacemaker clusters using Azure fencing

How to reclaim storage space with Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server

Azure Data Factory Updated Pipeline Designer

Azure Stream Analytics September 2022 Update

Fun with Azure VPN

Breaking change in window functions


