Azure Blog / Azure Update / Microsoft Tech Community ピックアップ (2022/10/06)

ブログ エントリ内にアフィリエイト広告が含まれています

2022/10/06 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップ、まとめました。


2022/10/06 のピックアップ

Azure Blog

Cost optimization using Azure Migrate

Scalable management of virtualized RAN with Kubernetes

Microsoft Tech Community

How to set blob storage firewall accessing from app service only

Save time and money, reduce risk with Microsoft Entra provisioning updates

Lesson Learned #239: Attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permission

New Regions and Managed Identity Support for Azure Container Instances with Azure Virtual Networks

How To: Retrieve from CosmosDB using Azure API Management

Extremely Fast Training of Extremely Small Text Classification Models with Azure SQL

Author Bibliography and Bio: Jeffrey Chilberto

Announcing FSLogix 2210 Public Preview (2.9.8308.44092)


