Azure Blog / Azure Update / Microsoft Tech Community ピックアップ (2022/12/01)

ブログ エントリ内にアフィリエイト広告が含まれています

2022/12/01 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップ、まとめました。

  1. 2022/12/01 のピックアップ
    1. Azure Blog
      1. Microsoft Cost Management updates—November 2022
    2. Azure Update
      1. General availability: Azure Monitor agent custom and IIS logs
      2. Generally available Day 0 support for .NET 7.0 on App Service
      3. General availability: Azure Monitor Logs, custom log API and ingestion-time transformations
      4. Public preview: Go language support on Azure App Service
      5. Generally Available: New versions supported for languages and frameworks in Azure App Service
      6. Public preview: Call automation capabilities for Azure Communication Services
      7. Public preview: Azure HX series and HBv4 series virtual machines
      8. Public preview: Build and deploy to Azure Container Apps without a Dockerfile from the Azure CLI
      9. Public preview: Azure Pipelines task to build and deploy to Azure Container Apps
      10. Public preview: GitHub action to build and deploy to Azure Container Apps
      11. Public preview: Inbound IP restrictions support in Azure Container Apps
      12. Public preview: Durable Functions support for .NET 7.0 isolated model
      13. Public preview: Azure SQL Trigger for Azure Functions
      14. Generally available: Azure Blob CSI driver support in AKS
      15. General availability: 12 months free services for new Azure PAYG customers
      16. Generally available: Additional Always Free Services for Azure Free Account and PAYG
      17. Generally available: PostgreSQL 15 support in Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL
      18. General availability: Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Citus 11.1 support
      19. Generally available: Azure Blob Storage integration with Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL
      20. General availability: Cross-region read replicas for Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL
      21. Public preview: Enhanced metrics for Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server
      22. Azure SQL—General availability updates for late November 2022
      23. Azure SQL—Public preview updates for late November 2022
    3. Microsoft Tech Community
      1. Cheat-sheet: The new 5G application paradigms and Microsoft Azure
      2. [Azure SQL DB] - How to create and manage your cross subscription Auto-Failover groups (FoG)
      3. The importance of using DAX variables / the Kusto/ADX edition
      4. ADX Web updates – November 2022
      5. Handling 429 throttling problem in Azure Logic Apps across multiple runs
      6. Azure Synapse Analytics November Update 2022
      7. Well-Architected for SAP workloads - Continuous Improvement through Operational Excellence
      8. Azure Kubernetes Service: RBAC options in practice
      9. Move Azure SQL Managed Instance across the virtual networks
      10. Announcing preview of 128 vCore provisioned compute size on Azure SQL Standard-series (Gen5)
      11. Announcing new premium-series hardware options for Azure SQL Database Hyperscale
      12. Azure portal October 2022 updates
      13. Microsoft Entra Change Announcements – November 2022 Train
      14. Announcing GA of revamped Custom Logs features
  2. 参考リンク

2022/12/01 のピックアップ

Azure Blog

Microsoft Cost Management updates—November 2022

Azure Update

General availability: Azure Monitor agent custom and IIS logs

Generally available Day 0 support for .NET 7.0 on App Service

General availability: Azure Monitor Logs, custom log API and ingestion-time transformations

Public preview: Go language support on Azure App Service

Generally Available: New versions supported for languages and frameworks in Azure App Service

Public preview: Call automation capabilities for Azure Communication Services

Public preview: Azure HX series and HBv4 series virtual machines

Public preview: Build and deploy to Azure Container Apps without a Dockerfile from the Azure CLI

Public preview: Azure Pipelines task to build and deploy to Azure Container Apps

Public preview: GitHub action to build and deploy to Azure Container Apps

Public preview: Inbound IP restrictions support in Azure Container Apps

Public preview: Durable Functions support for .NET 7.0 isolated model

Public preview: Azure SQL Trigger for Azure Functions

Generally available: Azure Blob CSI driver support in AKS

General availability: 12 months free services for new Azure PAYG customers

Generally available: Additional Always Free Services for Azure Free Account and PAYG

Generally available: PostgreSQL 15 support in Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL

General availability: Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Citus 11.1 support

Generally available: Azure Blob Storage integration with Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL

General availability: Cross-region read replicas for Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL

Public preview: Enhanced metrics for Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server

Azure SQL—General availability updates for late November 2022

Azure SQL—Public preview updates for late November 2022

Microsoft Tech Community

Cheat-sheet: The new 5G application paradigms and Microsoft Azure

[Azure SQL DB] – How to create and manage your cross subscription Auto-Failover groups (FoG)

The importance of using DAX variables / the Kusto/ADX edition

ADX Web updates – November 2022

Handling 429 throttling problem in Azure Logic Apps across multiple runs

Azure Synapse Analytics November Update 2022

Well-Architected for SAP workloads – Continuous Improvement through Operational Excellence

Azure Kubernetes Service: RBAC options in practice

Move Azure SQL Managed Instance across the virtual networks

Announcing preview of 128 vCore provisioned compute size on Azure SQL Standard-series (Gen5)

Announcing new premium-series hardware options for Azure SQL Database Hyperscale

Azure portal October 2022 updates

Microsoft Entra Change Announcements – November 2022 Train

Announcing GA of revamped Custom Logs features


