Azure Blog / Azure Update / Microsoft Tech Community ピックアップ (2022/12/17)

ブログ エントリ内にアフィリエイト広告が含まれています

2022/12/17 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップ、まとめました。


2022/12/17 のピックアップ

Microsoft Tech Community

Post-mortem: Azure PowerShell and PowerShell 7.3 compatibility issue

Initialize a Managed Instance replication Subscriber with a backup

Initialize a Managed Instance replication Subscriber with a PITR backup

Lesson Learned #251: Error 40532 using Private Endpoint IP in the server name

Lesson Learned #252: SELECT TOP 100 FROM HeapTable is taking too much time

Bridging Cloud services and AI solutions at the Edge

How to migrate SQL Server to Azure SQL Database offline using Azure Data Studio | Data Exposed

Managed Attributes for Microsoft Purview data catalog is now GA

Bring your own Event Hubs to programmatically interact with Microsoft Purview

Lesson Learned #253: Retry Logic for Execution Timeout Expired

Streamline Amazon Business access with Microsoft Azure AD

Microsoft Purview in the Real World (Dec 16, 2022)


