Azure Blog / Azure Update / Microsoft Tech Community ピックアップ (2023/09/13)

ブログ エントリ内にアフィリエイト広告が含まれています

2023/09/13 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップし、まとめました。


2023/09/13 のピックアップ

Azure Update

Configure load testing in your CI/CD pipeline from Azure portal

View trends of client-side metrics across test runs in Azure Load Testing

Generally available: Export Cost Management data to secure storage accounts with firewall

Public preview: Standard network features support in US Government region

Azure Service Fabric 9.1 Sixth Refresh Release

GA: Latest generation burstable VMs – Bsv2, Basv2, and Bpsv2

Microsoft Tech Community

Navigating Common VNET Injection Challenges with Azure Spring Apps

Lesson Learned #427:BUFFER IO in Azure SQL Database (Query Data Store): An Expert’s Guide

Explore the new capabilities with Datadog—An Azure Native ISV Service

Announcing the general availability of new Azure burstable virtual machines

Data Security Exploit Real Crime Case + How Microsoft Purview is Designed to Detect & Respond

Azure Communication Services September 2023 Feature Updates

Build image with containerised self-hosted Azure DevOps agent and private Azure Container Registry

Introducing Vision Models in Azure Machine Learning Model Catalog

Episode 7 highlights of Path To Citus Con podcast w/Paul Ramsey & Regina Obe

Microsoft Purview DevOps policies for Azure SQL MI enters Public Preview


