Azure Blog / Azure Update / Microsoft Tech Community ピックアップ (2023/11/07)

ブログ エントリ内にアフィリエイト広告が含まれています

2023/11/07 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップし、まとめました。

  1. 2023/11/07 のピックアップ
    1. Azure Blog
      1. Realize the full potential of your cloud investment with Azure optimization
      2. Building for the future: The enterprise generative AI application lifecycle with Azure AI
    2. Azure Update
      1. Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus is available in 7 additional Azure regions
      2. Public preview: Application Gateway IPv6 support
      3. Ability to add dynamic values in Alert’s custom fields
      4. General Availability: Azure Advisor recommendation improves the reliability of Azure Disks with Zone Redundant Storage
      5. Azure Elastic SAN updates: Snapshots, Security, and Usability
      6. Latency metrics for disks and performance metrics for temporary disks on Azure Virtual Machines
      7. Preview: Azure Container Storage in AKS
    3. Microsoft Tech Community
      1. Azure Elastic SAN expanding Enterprise Storage Capabilities
      2. Azure Integration Services Day
      3. AKS Cost Analysis: an Azure-native cost visibility experience built on the OpenCost project
      4. Logic Apps Aviators Newsletter - November 2023
      5. WordPress on Azure AppService - Set up staging environments
      6. Emphasizing Security by Default with Advanced Microsoft Authenticator Features.
      7. Microsoft Defender for Cloud latest protection against sophisticated abuse of Azure VM Extensions
      8. Azure API Management OAuth Reverse Proxy
      9. Securing Cloud Resources: Assessing Internet Exposure for Enhanced Defense and Risk Management
      10. Azure Container Storage Preview Updates now available
      11. Your guide to the Azure app innovation experience at Microsoft Ignite 2023
      12. Upcoming TLS 1.3 on Azure App Service for Web Apps, Functions, and Logic Apps Update
      13. Leveraging OpenAI and Azure Integration Services: A Unified Approach
      14. Azure DMS statement replication support for MySQL v8.0 workloads (Preview)
  2. 参考リンク

2023/11/07 のピックアップ

Azure Blog

Realize the full potential of your cloud investment with Azure optimization

Building for the future: The enterprise generative AI application lifecycle with Azure AI

Azure Update

Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus is available in 7 additional Azure regions

Public preview: Application Gateway IPv6 support

Ability to add dynamic values in Alert’s custom fields

General Availability: Azure Advisor recommendation improves the reliability of Azure Disks with Zone Redundant Storage

Azure Elastic SAN updates: Snapshots, Security, and Usability

Latency metrics for disks and performance metrics for temporary disks on Azure Virtual Machines

Preview: Azure Container Storage in AKS

Microsoft Tech Community

Azure Elastic SAN expanding Enterprise Storage Capabilities

Azure Integration Services Day

AKS Cost Analysis: an Azure-native cost visibility experience built on the OpenCost project

Logic Apps Aviators Newsletter – November 2023

WordPress on Azure AppService – Set up staging environments

Emphasizing Security by Default with Advanced Microsoft Authenticator Features.

Microsoft Defender for Cloud latest protection against sophisticated abuse of Azure VM Extensions

Azure API Management OAuth Reverse Proxy

Securing Cloud Resources: Assessing Internet Exposure for Enhanced Defense and Risk Management

Azure Container Storage Preview Updates now available

Your guide to the Azure app innovation experience at Microsoft Ignite 2023

Upcoming TLS 1.3 on Azure App Service for Web Apps, Functions, and Logic Apps Update

Leveraging OpenAI and Azure Integration Services: A Unified Approach

Azure DMS statement replication support for MySQL v8.0 workloads (Preview)


