Azure Blog / Azure Update / Microsoft Tech Community ピックアップ (2023/11/21)

ブログ エントリ内にアフィリエイト広告が含まれています

2023/11/21 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップし、まとめました。


2023/11/21 のピックアップ

Azure Blog

Advancing hybrid cloud to adaptive cloud with Azure

Azure Update

General availability: Encryption with customer-managed keys in Azure Health Data Services

Generally available: Delete Jobs API to support bulk delete in Azure Digital Twins

Part numbers from EA invoice are now added to the cost and usage file.

Generally Available: Collect Syslog from AKS nodes using Azure Monitor Container Insights

Microsoft Tech Community

Improve visibility into workload-related spend using Copilot in Microsoft Cost Management

A winning strategy for migrating from Azure Database for MySQL – Single Server to Flexible Server

Automated node pool migration to Azure Linux

Active Directory Hardening Series – Part 2 – Removing SMBv1


