Azure Blog / Azure Update / Microsoft Tech Community ピックアップ (2024/02/29)

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2024/02/29 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップし、まとめました。

  1. 2024/02/29 のピックアップ
    1. Azure Update
      1. Enable replication for added VMware VM data disks
      2. General availability: Application Gateway for Containers
      3. General availability: Azure CLI support for Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL
      4. General availability: Azure SDKs support for Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL
      5. General availability: Latest PostgreSQL minor versions supported by Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server
      6. Public Preview: Azure SQL updates for late-February 2024
      7. Public preview: AKS support for node soak duration for upgrades
      8. Public preview: Disable network policy in AKS for migration
      9. GA: Istio-based service mesh add-on for Azure Kubernetes Service
      10. Generally Available: Capacity Reservations support in AKS
      11. Generally Available: Node Soak Duration for Upgrades
      12. Public preview: OS SKU in-place migration for Linux nodes
      13. Public preview: Kubernetes 1.29 support in AKS
      14. Public preview: Azure Functions Support for HTTP Streams in Node.js
      15. Public preview: Internet inbound for Network Virtual Appliances in Virtual WAN Hubs
    2. Microsoft Tech Community
      1. Unlocking New Dimensions in Cybersecurity - Advanced Export for Defender for Cloud Attack Insights
      2. Public Preview: Zone redundancy for Azure SQL Database Hyperscale elastic pools
      3. Azure Functions: Support for HTTP Streams in Node.js is now in Preview
      4. Podcast about transitioning from developer to PostgreSQL specialist, with Derk van Veen
      5. Load Testing Azure Service Bus
      6. Terraform on Azure February 2024 Update
      7. New Storage and Networking MS Learn modules for Windows containers on AKS
      8. Azure Database for MySQL Import supports Percona XtraBackup for migrations to Flexible Server
      9. Fine Tuning with Function Calling on Azure OpenAI Service
      10. Azure Sphere OS version 24.03 is now available for evaluation
      11. Azure Data Studio 1.48 is now available
      12. Updates from 162.1 and 162.2 releases of SqlPackage and the DacFx ecosystem
  2. 参考リンク

2024/02/29 のピックアップ

Azure Update

Enable replication for added VMware VM data disks

General availability: Application Gateway for Containers

General availability: Azure CLI support for Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL

General availability: Azure SDKs support for Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL

General availability: Latest PostgreSQL minor versions supported by Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server

Public Preview: Azure SQL updates for late-February 2024

Public preview: AKS support for node soak duration for upgrades

Public preview: Disable network policy in AKS for migration

GA: Istio-based service mesh add-on for Azure Kubernetes Service

Generally Available: Capacity Reservations support in AKS

Generally Available: Node Soak Duration for Upgrades

Public preview: OS SKU in-place migration for Linux nodes

Public preview: Kubernetes 1.29 support in AKS

Public preview: Azure Functions Support for HTTP Streams in Node.js

Public preview: Internet inbound for Network Virtual Appliances in Virtual WAN Hubs

Microsoft Tech Community

Unlocking New Dimensions in Cybersecurity – Advanced Export for Defender for Cloud Attack Insights

Public Preview: Zone redundancy for Azure SQL Database Hyperscale elastic pools

Azure Functions: Support for HTTP Streams in Node.js is now in Preview

Podcast about transitioning from developer to PostgreSQL specialist, with Derk van Veen

Load Testing Azure Service Bus

Terraform on Azure February 2024 Update

New Storage and Networking MS Learn modules for Windows containers on AKS

Azure Database for MySQL Import supports Percona XtraBackup for migrations to Flexible Server

Fine Tuning with Function Calling on Azure OpenAI Service

Azure Sphere OS version 24.03 is now available for evaluation

Azure Data Studio 1.48 is now available

Updates from 162.1 and 162.2 releases of SqlPackage and the DacFx ecosystem


