2024/11/19 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップし、まとめました。
- 2024/11/19 のピックアップ
- Azure Update
- Generally Available: Standby Pools for Virtual Machine Scale Sets with Flexible Orchestration
- Generally Available: Default zone resilience in Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server Business Critical service tier
- Public Preview: Introducing Apache AGE graph support in Azure Database for PostgreSQL
- Public Preview: On-demand backups for Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server
- Microsoft Tech Community
- Migrating over 200 TB SAP Oracle Database to Azure with Lemongrass Cloud Platform Migrate
- What’s New: Exciting new Microsoft Sentinel Connectors Announcement - Ignite 2024
- Defeating Adversary-in-the-Middle phishing attacks
- Deploy secure App Service resources to prevent dangling DNS entries and avoid subdomain takeover
- Announcing comprehensive guidance for AI adoption and architecture
- Generally Available:Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) with Azure Stream Analytics
- Azure Stream Analytics Kafka Connectors is Now Generally Available!
- Announcing API Management and API Center Community Live Stream on Thursday, December 12
- Microsoft Developer Blogs
- Accessing Private Resources in Azure
- PowerShell 7.5 RC-1 is now available
- Software is a team sport: Building the future of software development together
- Announcing the General Availability of Managed DevOps Pools (MDP) for Azure DevOps
- Software is a team sport: Building the future of software development together
- Azure Update
- 参考リンク
2024/11/19 のピックアップ
Azure Update
Generally Available: Standby Pools for Virtual Machine Scale Sets with Flexible Orchestration
Generally Available: Default zone resilience in Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server Business Critical service tier
Public Preview: Introducing Apache AGE graph support in Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Public Preview: On-demand backups for Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server
Microsoft Tech Community
Migrating over 200 TB SAP Oracle Database to Azure with Lemongrass Cloud Platform Migrate
What’s New: Exciting new Microsoft Sentinel Connectors Announcement – Ignite 2024
Defeating Adversary-in-the-Middle phishing attacks
Deploy secure App Service resources to prevent dangling DNS entries and avoid subdomain takeover
Announcing comprehensive guidance for AI adoption and architecture
Generally Available:Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) with Azure Stream Analytics
Azure Stream Analytics Kafka Connectors is Now Generally Available!
Announcing API Management and API Center Community Live Stream on Thursday, December 12
Microsoft Developer Blogs
Accessing Private Resources in Azure
PowerShell 7.5 RC-1 is now available
Software is a team sport: Building the future of software development together
Announcing the General Availability of Managed DevOps Pools (MDP) for Azure DevOps
Software is a team sport: Building the future of software development together

Microsoft Azure Blog
Azure helps you build, run, and manage your applications. Get the latest news, updates, and announcements here from expe...
Azure updates | Microsoft Azure
Subscribe to Microsoft Azure today for service updates, all in one place. Check out the new Cloud Platform roadmap to se...