Azure Blog / Azure Update / Microsoft Tech Community ピックアップ (2022/09/29)

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2022/09/29 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップ、まとめました。

  1. 2022/09/29 のピックアップ
    1. Azure Blog
      1. RoQC and Microsoft simplify cloud migration with Microsoft Energy Data Services
      2. Cost Management updates—September 2022
    2. Azure Update
      1. Public preview: 128 vCore option for Azure SQL Database standard-series hardware
      2. General availability: Azure Sphere version 22.09
      3. Public preview: Billing has started for Azure Monitor Logs data archive
      4. Generally available: Azure Red Hat OpenShift landing zone accelerator
      5. Generally available: Device Update for IoT Hub
      6. Generally available: Backup and restore updates for App Service
      7. Public preview: Automatic backup for App Service Environment V2 and V3
      8. Public preview: Java 17 Support in Azure Functions
      9. Generally available: Azure Functions .NET Framework support in the isolated worker model
      10. Generally available: Azure Functions Linux Elastic Premium plan increased maximum scale-out limits
      11. Public preview: Azure AD authentication with Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server
      12. General availability: Backup and restore in Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server
      13. Azure SQL—Public preview updates for late September 2022
      14. General availability: Azure SQL Database Hyperscale reverse migration to general purpose tier
      15. Azure SQL—General availability updates for late September 2022
    3. Microsoft Tech Community
      1. Introducing AI-generated voices for Azure neural text to speech service
      2. Moving from LUIS to CLU in Bot Composer Projects
      3. Supporting ES6 import on Windows App Service (Node.js/IISNode)
      4. Read-access geo-zone redundant storage (RA-GZRS) now available for Azure SQL Hyperscale databases
      5. Long-term backup retention(LTR) on Azure SQL Hyperscale service tier is now in preview
      6. Use Excel to summarize values from Kusto for a list of Ids
      7. Feature engineering and Machine Learning with IoT data
      8. Attention Developers: The Cloud-Scale Data for Spring Developers Quick Start Guide is Finally Here!
      9. Azure Synapse Analytics September Update 2022
      10. General Availability of mem. opt. premium-series HW and 16 TB storage in BC in SQL Managed Instance
      11. Improve your SQL Managed Instance performance with new TempDB configurations
      12. Checklist for troubleshooting and improving MySQL database performance
      13. Minecraft services build on Mariner
      14. Azure Private MEC – Enabling the 4G to 5G transition
      15. Secure your users from social engineering attacks
      16. Defend your users from MFA fatigue attacks
      17. How to enable query logging in Azure database for PostgreSQL?
      18. New RBAC capabilities with Configuration Manager and Intune
      19. Deleted Azure SQL Database with existing diagnostic settings
      20. Azure SQL idle sessions are killed after about 30 minutes
  2. 参考リンク

2022/09/29 のピックアップ

Azure Blog

RoQC and Microsoft simplify cloud migration with Microsoft Energy Data Services

Cost Management updates—September 2022

Azure Update

Public preview: 128 vCore option for Azure SQL Database standard-series hardware

General availability: Azure Sphere version 22.09

Public preview: Billing has started for Azure Monitor Logs data archive

Generally available: Azure Red Hat OpenShift landing zone accelerator

Generally available: Device Update for IoT Hub

Generally available: Backup and restore updates for App Service

Public preview: Automatic backup for App Service Environment V2 and V3

Public preview: Java 17 Support in Azure Functions

Generally available: Azure Functions .NET Framework support in the isolated worker model

Generally available: Azure Functions Linux Elastic Premium plan increased maximum scale-out limits

Public preview: Azure AD authentication with Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server

General availability: Backup and restore in Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server

Azure SQL—Public preview updates for late September 2022

General availability: Azure SQL Database Hyperscale reverse migration to general purpose tier

Azure SQL—General availability updates for late September 2022

Microsoft Tech Community

Introducing AI-generated voices for Azure neural text to speech service

Moving from LUIS to CLU in Bot Composer Projects

Supporting ES6 import on Windows App Service (Node.js/IISNode)

Read-access geo-zone redundant storage (RA-GZRS) now available for Azure SQL Hyperscale databases

Long-term backup retention(LTR) on Azure SQL Hyperscale service tier is now in preview

Use Excel to summarize values from Kusto for a list of Ids

Feature engineering and Machine Learning with IoT data

Attention Developers: The Cloud-Scale Data for Spring Developers Quick Start Guide is Finally Here!

Azure Synapse Analytics September Update 2022

General Availability of mem. opt. premium-series HW and 16 TB storage in BC in SQL Managed Instance

Improve your SQL Managed Instance performance with new TempDB configurations

Checklist for troubleshooting and improving MySQL database performance

Minecraft services build on Mariner

Azure Private MEC – Enabling the 4G to 5G transition

Secure your users from social engineering attacks

Defend your users from MFA fatigue attacks

How to enable query logging in Azure database for PostgreSQL?

New RBAC capabilities with Configuration Manager and Intune

Deleted Azure SQL Database with existing diagnostic settings

Azure SQL idle sessions are killed after about 30 minutes


