2023/04/26 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップ、まとめました。
- 2023/04/26 のピックアップ
- Azure Blog
- Microsoft Tech Community
- App Service does not support Server Push in Http2
- Announcing Public Preview of Microsoft Sentinel in Azure China 21Vianet
- Bring Your Own Storage (BYOS) to Azure App Service Web App
- Building Stronger Identity Solutions with New Microsoft Entra Integrations
- Give us your thoughts on running Kubernetes anywhere for a chance to win a $300 USD gift card!
- Give us your thoughts on running Kubernetes anywhere for a chance to win a $300 USD gift card!
- What's new in SynapseML v0.11
- Bring your SQL expertise to the Data Lake with Serverless SQL Pools | Data Exposed: MVP Edition
- ScriptDOM .NET library for T-SQL parsing is now open source
- Join Microsoft and NVIDIA at the NAFEMS World Congress in Tampa from 15th May – 18th May 2023
- 参考リンク
2023/04/26 のピックアップ
Azure Blog
Choose the best global distribution solution for your applications with Azure
Microsoft Tech Community
App Service does not support Server Push in Http2
App Service does not support Server Push in Http2 | Microsoft Community Hub
Nowadays, the Internet became so entrenched in our daily lives, with the increasing use of mobile, cloud, websites, we'r...
Announcing Public Preview of Microsoft Sentinel in Azure China 21Vianet
Announcing Public Preview of Microsoft Sentinel in Azure China 21Vianet | Microsoft Community Hub
Over the last few months, we have been working hard to bring the Microsoft Sentinel experience to Azure China. Microsoft...
Bring Your Own Storage (BYOS) to Azure App Service Web App
Bring Your Own Storage (BYOS) to Azure App Service Web App | Microsoft Community Hub
Azure App Service Web Apps have been around for many years and have been a great place for running high traffic and reli...
Building Stronger Identity Solutions with New Microsoft Entra Integrations
Building Stronger Identity Solutions with New Microsoft Entra Integrations | Microsoft Community Hub
Introducing new Microsoft Entra product integrations to support “stronger together” identity solutions.
Give us your thoughts on running Kubernetes anywhere for a chance to win a 0 USD gift card!
Kuberentes, apps, multicloud, hybrid, AKS, Azure Kubernetes Service
Do you work with Kubernetes? Are you interested in improving Kubernetes experience across hybrid and multicloud environm...
Give us your thoughts on running Kubernetes anywhere for a chance to win a 0 USD gift card!
Kuberentes, apps, multicloud, hybrid, AKS, Azure Kubernetes Service
Do you work with Kubernetes? Are you interested in improving Kubernetes experience across hybrid and multicloud environm...
What’s new in SynapseML v0.11
What’s new in SynapseML v0.11
We are excited to announce SynapseMl v0.11 with support for ChatGPT, GPT-4, deep learning training, ONNX model hub integ...
Bring your SQL expertise to the Data Lake with Serverless SQL Pools | Data Exposed: MVP Edition
Bring your SQL expertise to the Data Lake with Serverless SQL Pools | Data Exposed: MVP Edition | Microsoft Community Hub
See how SQL developers can bring their expertise to analyzing data at scale and showcase useful SQL functions specific t...
ScriptDOM .NET library for T-SQL parsing is now open source
ScriptDOM .NET library for T-SQL parsing is now open source | Microsoft Community Hub
ScriptDOM is a powerful .NET library for code parsing, generating an abstract syntax tree (AST) that can be leveraged to...
Join Microsoft and NVIDIA at the NAFEMS World Congress in Tampa from 15th May – 18th May 2023
Join Microsoft and NVIDIA at the NAFEMS World Congress in Tampa from 15th May ??? 18th May 2023 | Microsoft Community Hub
Together we will showcase how to use the latest NVIDIA AI technologies on Microsoft Azure to supercharge your Computer A...