Azure Blog / Azure Update / Microsoft Tech Community ピックアップ (2023/04/27)

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2023/04/27 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップ、まとめました。

  1. 2023/04/27 のピックアップ
    1. Azure Update
      1. Public Preview: Support for Azure VMs using Premium SSD v2 in Azure Backup
      2. Generally available: API Management Authorizations
      3. Generally available: Synthetic GraphQL
      4. Generally Available: TCP support for Azure Container Apps
      5. Public preview: Session affinity for Azure Container Apps
      6. Generally Available: Inbound IP restrictions for Azure Container Apps
      7. Generally Available: Operation Abort in AKS
      8. Generally available: Azure Monitor alerts now suggests signals to alert on
      9. Public Preview: Azure Monitor Metrics Dataplane API released
      10. Continuous Language ID in Azure Speech Service
      11. Public preview: Azure VNet flow logs
      12. Public Preview: Azure API Management and Microsoft Defender for APIs integration
      13. General Availability: Centrally Managed Azure Hybrid Benefit for SQL Server
      14. Azure Advisor VM/VMSS right-sizing recommendations with custom lookback period
      15. Azure SQL—General availability updates for late-April 2023
      16. General availability: Microsoft Azure available from new cloud region in Poland
      17. Update your IoT Edge devices on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
      18. Public Preview : Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Data Encryption with Customer Managed Keys
    2. Microsoft Tech Community
      1. Troubleshooting Common Issues in Azure Storage Static Websites
      2. gMSA sample application for Windows containers
      3. Use Azure Function and API Management Authorizations to create your own service connector
      4. Azure Load Testing Pricing
      5. Web App Performance Root Cause Analysis with Application Insights
      6. Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server failover across regions without connection string changes
      7. Microsoft Purview data catalog now supports tags
      8. Build a no-code GraphQL service with Azure API Management
      9. Case Study: Integrating Scheduled Events into a Decentralized Database Deployment
      10. Announcing GA of the link feature for Azure SQL Managed Instance for SQL Server 2016 and 2019
      11. Use Microsoft Purview DevOps policies to control access and limit insider threats | Data Exposed
      12. Azure Monitor- Announcing Public Preview of Azure Metrics Data plane API
      13. A month of cloud native: Explore resources for cloud native app development
  2. 参考リンク

2023/04/27 のピックアップ

Azure Update

Public Preview: Support for Azure VMs using Premium SSD v2 in Azure Backup

Generally available: API Management Authorizations

Generally available: Synthetic GraphQL

Generally Available: TCP support for Azure Container Apps

Public preview: Session affinity for Azure Container Apps


Generally Available: Inbound IP restrictions for Azure Container Apps

Generally Available: Operation Abort in AKS

Generally available: Azure Monitor alerts now suggests signals to alert on

Public Preview: Azure Monitor Metrics Dataplane API released

Continuous Language ID in Azure Speech Service

Public preview: Azure VNet flow logs

Public Preview: Azure API Management and Microsoft Defender for APIs integration

General Availability: Centrally Managed Azure Hybrid Benefit for SQL Server

Azure Advisor VM/VMSS right-sizing recommendations with custom lookback period

Azure SQL—General availability updates for late-April 2023

General availability: Microsoft Azure available from new cloud region in Poland

Update your IoT Edge devices on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Public Preview : Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Data Encryption with Customer Managed Keys

Microsoft Tech Community

Troubleshooting Common Issues in Azure Storage Static Websites

gMSA sample application for Windows containers

Use Azure Function and API Management Authorizations to create your own service connector

Azure Load Testing Pricing

Web App Performance Root Cause Analysis with Application Insights

Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server failover across regions without connection string changes

Microsoft Purview data catalog now supports tags

Build a no-code GraphQL service with Azure API Management

Case Study: Integrating Scheduled Events into a Decentralized Database Deployment

Announcing GA of the link feature for Azure SQL Managed Instance for SQL Server 2016 and 2019

Use Microsoft Purview DevOps policies to control access and limit insider threats | Data Exposed

Azure Monitor- Announcing Public Preview of Azure Metrics Data plane API

A month of cloud native: Explore resources for cloud native app development


