Azure Blog / Azure Update / Microsoft Tech Community ピックアップ (2023/05/24) – Part 1

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2023/05/24 02:00 までで確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップし、まとめました。

Microsoft Build 2023 が開催中のため、アップデートが多いことから分けて投稿する形にしています。


まとまった情報については、Book of News を確認してください。



  1. 2023/05/24 のピックアップ - Part 1
    1. Azure Blog
      1. Introducing Microsoft Fabric: Data analytics for the era of AI
      2. Build next-generation, AI-powered applications on Microsoft Azure
    2. Azure Update
      1. Announcing the public preview of custom Text Analytics for health
      2. Azure Machine Learning - General Availability for Build
      3. Azure Machine Learning
      4. Generally Available: Azure Cosmos DB burst capacity
      5. Public Preview: Azure Cosmos DB computed properties
      6. Public Preview: In-Account restore for continuous backup accounts
      7. Generally Available: Enhanced document expiration with Time to Live (TTL) on any field.
      8. Public preview: Azure SQL Database Hyperscale elastic pools
      9. Public preview: New features in Azure Container Storage
      10. Generally Available: Azure Linux support in AKS
      11. Generally Available: Generation 2 VM for Windows
      12. Generally Available: Kubernetes marketplace
      13. Public preview: Custom node config for Windows
      14. Public preview: Kubernetes 1.27 release
      15. Public preview: Multi-cluster update support in Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager
      16. Public preview: Network observability add-on for AKS
      17. AKS DevX Extension Updates for Visual Studio Code
      18. Public preview: Serverlessly run on-demand, scheduled, and event-driven jobs on Azure Container Apps
      19. Public preview: Free managed TLS certificates for Azure Container Apps
      20. Public preview: Secrets volume mounts for Azure Container Apps
      21. Public Preview: GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps
      22. New capabilities available in Microsoft Dev Box
      23. Public Preview: Azure Event Grid now includes MQTT protocol support and HTTP pull-style message delivery.
      24. Public preview: ASP.NET Core integration in Azure Functions .NET isolated model
      25. Generally Available: SQL Bindings for Azure Functions
      26. Public preview: Azure Functions can now run on Azure Container Apps
      27. Generally Available: Linked backends for Azure Static Web Apps
      28. Public Preview: Azure Log Alerts support for Azure Data Explorer
      29. Generally Available: Azure Monitor announces managed services for Prometheus
      30. Public Preview: Azure Monitor Container insights introduces "Cluster Optimization" workbook
      31. Public preview: Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus for Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes
      32. Public Preview: Materialized views for Cosmos DB NoSQL API
      33. Public Preview: Azure Cosmos DB SDKs OpenTelemetry and Application Insights integration
      34. Public Preview: Azure Cosmos DB all versions and deletes change feed mode
      35. Generally Available: Azure Cosmos DB hierarchical partition keys
      36. Generally Available: Azure Cosmos DB serverless container with 1 TB storage
      37. Public Preview – Data Migration for Oracle
      38. General Availability – Database Schema Conversion Toolkit for Oracle
      39. Public Preview: Vector search in Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore
      40. Public preview: Automated deployments in AKS now supports Draft
      41. Microsoft Azure Deployment Environments is now generally available.
      42. Announcing Azure Content Safety
      43. Database Migration Service Pack for Oracle - Preview
      44. Azure SQL Managed Instance —Public preview updates for late-May 2023
      45. Generally Available: Cost-optimizations with transformations on Log Analytics for troubleshooting Cosmos DB
      46. General availability: Confidential containers on Azure Container Instances (ACI)
      47. Public preview: Add-on and node image in AKS release tracker
      48. Available: Azure Database for MySQL connector for Power Platform and Azure Logic Apps
      49. Public Preview: Time-travel for Azure Synapse Link for Cosmos DB
      50. Database Migration Assessment for Oracle - GA
      51. General availability: Azure HBv4 Virtual Machines for HPC
      52. Azure Key Vault Access Configuration Update
      53. General availability: Azure HX Virtual Machines for HPC
      54. Generally Available: V2 programming model for Azure Functions using Python
      55. Build 2023: New Azure App Service plans fuel greater choice and savings
      56. Public Preview: AMD confidential VM option for Azure Data Explorer (ADX)
      57. AMD Confidential VM option for Azure Databricks
      58. Public Preview: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9.2 support for AMD confidential VMs
    3. Microsoft Tech Community
      1. Configure SQL Auditing to Storage Account using Managed Identity for SQL Managed Instance.
      2. Microsoft Defender for Cloud Onboarding workbook V2
      3. Build 2023: What’s new in Azure Video Indexer
      4. Introducing Azure AI Content Safety: Helping Organizations to Maintain Safe Online Spaces
      5. NCS Case Study - End-to-End Integration of Custom BYOML model with Sentinel
      6. Azure Functions: V2 Python Programming Model is Generally Available
      7. Set Yourself Up for Performance Success on Azure SQL Managed Instance
      8. Azure Functions – May update for Microsoft build
      9. Deploying Hugging Face Hub models in Azure Machine Learning
      10. Announcing the public preview of the devtunnel CLI
      11. Azure Deployment Environments is now generally available
      12. Introducing the Azure Linux container host for AKS
      13. Unlocking the Power of Serverless Confidential Computing in the Cloud
      14. Announcing the general availability of Azure Machine Learning registries
      15. Azure Cache for Redis at Microsoft Build 2023
      16. Reimagining Developer Workstations with Microsoft Dev Box
      17. Easily create Dapr components and connect to Azure services
      18. Announcing managed feature store in Azure Machine Learning
      19. Continuously Monitor the Performance of your AzureML Models in Production
      20. Debug Object Detection Models with the Responsible AI Dashboard
      21. RHEL 9.2 Preview confidential image is now available on Microsoft Azure
      22. Introducing jobs for Azure Container Apps
      23. Azure Functions for Cloud-native Microservices: Public Preview Launch
      24. Azure Container Apps now supports Buildpacks and Patching for .NET 7 (preview)
      25. Azure Container Apps service management just got easier! (preview)
      26. Generative AI for Developers: Exploring New Tools and APIs in Azure OpenAI Service
      27. Confidential VM option for Azure Data Explorer- Public Preview release
      28. New product and partner announcements in Azure confidential computing at Build 2023
      29. Announcing Foundation Models in Azure Machine Learning
      30. Confidential containers on Azure Container Instances General Availability
      31. Bringing ML assets to the Microsoft Purview Data Map
      32. Azure Stream Analytics is Launching a New Competitive Pricing Model!
      33. Azure Databricks Deployment on AMD Based Azure Confidential VMs
      34. Announcing Azure Machine Learning managed network isolation
      35. A Data Professional's Guide to Build 2023
      36. Build 2023: Transforming customer experiences with automated, AI-assisted communication
      37. Cloud-native at Build 2023
      38. Unleash Spring apps in a flex environment with Azure Spring Apps Consumption and Dedicated plans
      39. An AI Guide to Microsoft Build 2023
      40. Run your Azure Stream Analytics job inside your Azure Virtual Network (Public Preview)
      41. Harness the power of Large Language Models with Azure Machine Learning prompt flow
      42. Why should you migrate to PostgreSQL 15?
      43. Announcing public preview of MQTT protocol and pull message delivery in Azure Event Grid
      44. General Availability: Multi-Region Replication for Azure Key Vault Managed HSM
      45. Announcing Microsoft Translator V3 connector – now available in Public Preview!
      46. Accelerate innovation with Red Hat on Azure- Latest Announcements from Red Hat Summit 2023
      47. Document Translation now available in the Language Studio
      48. Azure Command-line Tools Build 2023 Announcements
      49. Exciting announcements by Azure Stream Analytics at Build 2023!
      50. Microsoft Teams Virtual Appointment Extensibility with Azure Communication Services
      51. What's new Azure AI Language | BUILD 2023
      52. Microsoft Translator Plugin for Azure OpenAI & Tools for PromptFlow
      53. Comprehensive network observability for AKS through Azure Monitor
      54. Microsoft Azure Text Translation SDK now in Public Preview
      55. Elastic pools for Azure SQL Database Hyperscale now in preview
      56. Introducing Azure API Center for Centralized API Discovery and Governance
      57. Azure Messaging and Streaming Update - May 2023
      58. Azure Event Hubs Announces General Availability of Kafka Connect, Kafka Compaction, and MirrorMaker2
      59. JSON Schema support in Azure Event Hubs Schema Registry for Kafka Applications – Public Preview
      60. Azure Event Hubs - Capture event streams using Managed Identity - GA
      61. Private Preview of Kafka Input and Output with Azure Stream Analytics
      62. Introducing Data Generator for Azure Event Hubs – Public Preview
      63. Ledger now in preview in Azure SQL Managed Instance
  2. 参考リンク

2023/05/24 のピックアップ – Part 1

Azure Blog

Introducing Microsoft Fabric: Data analytics for the era of AI

Build next-generation, AI-powered applications on Microsoft Azure

Azure Update

Announcing the public preview of custom Text Analytics for health

Azure Machine Learning – General Availability for Build

Azure Machine Learning

Generally Available: Azure Cosmos DB burst capacity

Public Preview: Azure Cosmos DB computed properties

Public Preview: In-Account restore for continuous backup accounts

Generally Available: Enhanced document expiration with Time to Live (TTL) on any field.

Public preview: Azure SQL Database Hyperscale elastic pools

Public preview: New features in Azure Container Storage

Generally Available: Azure Linux support in AKS

Generally Available: Generation 2 VM for Windows

Generally Available: Kubernetes marketplace

Public preview: Custom node config for Windows

Public preview: Kubernetes 1.27 release

Public preview: Multi-cluster update support in Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager

Public preview: Network observability add-on for AKS

AKS DevX Extension Updates for Visual Studio Code

Public preview: Serverlessly run on-demand, scheduled, and event-driven jobs on Azure Container Apps

Public preview: Free managed TLS certificates for Azure Container Apps

Public preview: Secrets volume mounts for Azure Container Apps

Public Preview: GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps

New capabilities available in Microsoft Dev Box

Public Preview: Azure Event Grid now includes MQTT protocol support and HTTP pull-style message delivery.

Public preview: ASP.NET Core integration in Azure Functions .NET isolated model

Generally Available: SQL Bindings for Azure Functions

Public preview: Azure Functions can now run on Azure Container Apps

Generally Available: Linked backends for Azure Static Web Apps

Public Preview: Azure Log Alerts support for Azure Data Explorer

Generally Available: Azure Monitor announces managed services for Prometheus

Public Preview: Azure Monitor Container insights introduces “Cluster Optimization” workbook

Public preview: Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus for Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes

Public Preview: Materialized views for Cosmos DB NoSQL API

Public Preview: Azure Cosmos DB SDKs OpenTelemetry and Application Insights integration

Public Preview: Azure Cosmos DB all versions and deletes change feed mode

Generally Available: Azure Cosmos DB hierarchical partition keys

Generally Available: Azure Cosmos DB serverless container with 1 TB storage

Public Preview – Data Migration for Oracle

General Availability – Database Schema Conversion Toolkit for Oracle

Public Preview: Vector search in Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore

Public preview: Automated deployments in AKS now supports Draft

Microsoft Azure Deployment Environments is now generally available.

Announcing Azure Content Safety

Database Migration Service Pack for Oracle – Preview

Azure SQL Managed Instance —Public preview updates for late-May 2023

Generally Available: Cost-optimizations with transformations on Log Analytics for troubleshooting Cosmos DB

General availability: Confidential containers on Azure Container Instances (ACI)

Public preview: Add-on and node image in AKS release tracker

Available: Azure Database for MySQL connector for Power Platform and Azure Logic Apps

Public Preview: Time-travel for Azure Synapse Link for Cosmos DB

Database Migration Assessment for Oracle – GA

General availability: Azure HBv4 Virtual Machines for HPC

Azure Key Vault Access Configuration Update

General availability: Azure HX Virtual Machines for HPC

Generally Available: V2 programming model for Azure Functions using Python

Build 2023: New Azure App Service plans fuel greater choice and savings

Public Preview: AMD confidential VM option for Azure Data Explorer (ADX)

AMD Confidential VM option for Azure Databricks

Public Preview: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9.2 support for AMD confidential VMs

Microsoft Tech Community

Configure SQL Auditing to Storage Account using Managed Identity for SQL Managed Instance.

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Onboarding workbook V2

Build 2023: What’s new in Azure Video Indexer

Introducing Azure AI Content Safety: Helping Organizations to Maintain Safe Online Spaces

NCS Case Study – End-to-End Integration of Custom BYOML model with Sentinel

Azure Functions: V2 Python Programming Model is Generally Available

Set Yourself Up for Performance Success on Azure SQL Managed Instance

Azure Functions – May update for Microsoft build

Deploying Hugging Face Hub models in Azure Machine Learning

Announcing the public preview of the devtunnel CLI

Azure Deployment Environments is now generally available

Introducing the Azure Linux container host for AKS

Unlocking the Power of Serverless Confidential Computing in the Cloud

Announcing the general availability of Azure Machine Learning registries

Azure Cache for Redis at Microsoft Build 2023

Reimagining Developer Workstations with Microsoft Dev Box

Easily create Dapr components and connect to Azure services

Announcing managed feature store in Azure Machine Learning

Continuously Monitor the Performance of your AzureML Models in Production

Debug Object Detection Models with the Responsible AI Dashboard

RHEL 9.2 Preview confidential image is now available on Microsoft Azure

Introducing jobs for Azure Container Apps

Azure Functions for Cloud-native Microservices: Public Preview Launch

Azure Container Apps now supports Buildpacks and Patching for .NET 7 (preview)

Azure Container Apps service management just got easier! (preview)

Generative AI for Developers: Exploring New Tools and APIs in Azure OpenAI Service

Confidential VM option for Azure Data Explorer- Public Preview release

New product and partner announcements in Azure confidential computing at Build 2023

Announcing Foundation Models in Azure Machine Learning

Confidential containers on Azure Container Instances General Availability

Bringing ML assets to the Microsoft Purview Data Map

Azure Stream Analytics is Launching a New Competitive Pricing Model!

Azure Databricks Deployment on AMD Based Azure Confidential VMs

Announcing Azure Machine Learning managed network isolation

A Data Professional’s Guide to Build 2023

Build 2023: Transforming customer experiences with automated, AI-assisted communication

Cloud-native at Build 2023

Unleash Spring apps in a flex environment with Azure Spring Apps Consumption and Dedicated plans

An AI Guide to Microsoft Build 2023

Run your Azure Stream Analytics job inside your Azure Virtual Network (Public Preview)

Harness the power of Large Language Models with Azure Machine Learning prompt flow

Why should you migrate to PostgreSQL 15?

Announcing public preview of MQTT protocol and pull message delivery in Azure Event Grid

General Availability: Multi-Region Replication for Azure Key Vault Managed HSM

Announcing Microsoft Translator V3 connector – now available in Public Preview!

Accelerate innovation with Red Hat on Azure- Latest Announcements from Red Hat Summit 2023

Document Translation now available in the Language Studio

Azure Command-line Tools Build 2023 Announcements

Exciting announcements by Azure Stream Analytics at Build 2023!

Microsoft Teams Virtual Appointment Extensibility with Azure Communication Services

What’s new Azure AI Language | BUILD 2023

Microsoft Translator Plugin for Azure OpenAI & Tools for PromptFlow

Comprehensive network observability for AKS through Azure Monitor

Microsoft Azure Text Translation SDK now in Public Preview

Elastic pools for Azure SQL Database Hyperscale now in preview

Introducing Azure API Center for Centralized API Discovery and Governance

Azure Messaging and Streaming Update – May 2023

Azure Event Hubs Announces General Availability of Kafka Connect, Kafka Compaction, and MirrorMaker2

JSON Schema support in Azure Event Hubs Schema Registry for Kafka Applications – Public Preview

Azure Event Hubs – Capture event streams using Managed Identity – GA

Private Preview of Kafka Input and Output with Azure Stream Analytics

Introducing Data Generator for Azure Event Hubs – Public Preview

Ledger now in preview in Azure SQL Managed Instance


