Azure Blog / Azure Update / Microsoft Tech Community ピックアップ (2024/02/28)

ブログ エントリ内にアフィリエイト広告が含まれています

2024/02/28 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップし、まとめました。


2024/02/28 のピックアップ

Microsoft Tech Community

Connectivity from IaaS(VM) and PaaS service(ADF) to ADLS account with public network access disabled

How to Learn Generative AI with Microsoft’s Free Course

Migration Guide for HDInsight 5.1 – Hadoop cluster

Cost Optimized hosting of Fine-tuned LLMs in Production

Microsoft Fabric for multitenant SaaS

Securing Azure HDInsight: ESM Support with Ubuntu 18.04, Cluster Updates, and Best Practices

Help 1,000 Las Vegas Community Members with Microsoft

Migration of Apache Spark from HDInsight 5.0 to HDInsight 5.1

IP address changes for Azure Service Bus and IP/DNS Changes for Azure Relay

The azure_ai extension to Azure Database for PostgreSQL, definition and demo

Announcing the Winners of the First AI Chat App Hack

Best Practices for using Azure Container Registry and Docker Hub

Refreshed Identity and Access Management CAF documentation

Understanding Group Policies: User Rights Assignment Policies

The ABCs of ADX: Learning the Basics of Azure Data Explorer | Data Exposed: MVP Edition

How to Set Up Sentinel Data Connectors for Kubernetes and GitHub

Windows Server Summit 2024 – Powered by Engineering

Azure Virtual Network now supports updates without subnet property

Scaling Up in the Cloud: The WEKA Data Platform and Azure HPC Windows Grid Integration

Build your own private ChatGPT style app with enterprise-ready architecture

Microsoft Copilot personal and work experiences explained

AI Chat App Hack: See All The Submissions!


