Azure Blog / Azure Update / Microsoft Tech Community ピックアップ (2025/03/18)

ブログ エントリ内にアフィリエイト広告が含まれています

2025/03/18 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップし、まとめました。

  1. 2025/03/18 のピックアップ
    1. Azure Blog
      1. Cutting digital curbs: How Azure AI Foundry is building a more accessible world
    2. Azure Update
      1. Generally Available: New Built-In Role for Azure Chaos Studio
      2. Public Preview: Azure Firewall Updates - Customer Provided Public IP Support for Secured Virtual Hubs
      3. Generally Available: Azure Stream Analytics Integration with Schema Registry
    3. Microsoft Tech Community
      1. Enterprise Application Development with Azure Responses API and Agents SDK
      2. Simplifying Vertex Tax Software Deployment with Oracle Database@Azure
      3. Conversational AI applications with Azure Communication Services and the Azure OpenAI Realtime API
      4. Unpacking the Performance of Microsoft Azure ND GB200 v6 Virtual Machines
      5. API teams and Platform teams for better API management
      6. Teams Phone extensibility powered by Azure Communication Services
      7. Known issues in FSLogix 25.02
      8. Take Your Startup from Campus to the Cloud at the European AI and Cloud Summit
      9. The Future of AI: Unleashing the Potential of AI Translation
      10. AI-Powered Load Testing in VS Code with Azure Load Testing & GitHub Copilot
      11. Infrastructure Landing Zone - Implementation Decision-Making:
      12. Power AI App Development with Java and Azure at Microsoft JDConf 2025
      13. Cloud Security Made Easy: Protect Your Apps with Microsoft Azure
      14. Manging the cost of AI: Leveraging the FinOps Framework
      15. Build, Innovate, and #Hacktogether!
    4. Microsoft Developer Blogs
      1. Introducing automatic documentation comment generation in Visual Studio
      2. TLS 1.3 support in Azure Cosmos DB
      3. Guest Blog: Build a Multi-Agent System Using Microsoft Azure AI Agent Service and Semantic Kernel in 3 Simple Steps!
      4. Introducing ABAP Support in GitHub Copilot for Eclipse
      5. Self-Serve Restoration in Microsoft Dev Box
    5. Microsoft Fabric Blog
      1. Unlock the power of your Iceberg data in OneLake
  2. 参考リンク

2025/03/18 のピックアップ

Azure Blog

Cutting digital curbs: How Azure AI Foundry is building a more accessible world

Azure Update

Generally Available: New Built-In Role for Azure Chaos Studio

Public Preview: Azure Firewall Updates – Customer Provided Public IP Support for Secured Virtual Hubs

Generally Available: Azure Stream Analytics Integration with Schema Registry

Azure Stream Analytics が Azure Event Hub Schema Registryと統合され、Avro 形式のデータを効率的に処理、スキーマの一貫性と互換性を確保する機能が一般提供された旨、アナウンスされました。

Microsoft Tech Community

Enterprise Application Development with Azure Responses API and Agents SDK

Simplifying Vertex Tax Software Deployment with Oracle Database@Azure

Conversational AI applications with Azure Communication Services and the Azure OpenAI Realtime API

Unpacking the Performance of Microsoft Azure ND GB200 v6 Virtual Machines

NVIDIA GB200 GPU を搭載した、Microsoft Azure ND GB200 v6 仮想マシンが AI トレーニングや推論ワークロードのために大幅な性能向上を実現している旨、記載されています。

API teams and Platform teams for better API management

Teams Phone extensibility powered by Azure Communication Services

Known issues in FSLogix 25.02

FSLogix 25.02 で発生している既知の 5 つの問題が特定され、これらの修正が現在テスト中、早期アクセス版は 2025/03/21 までアップデートされる予定であることが記載されています。

Take Your Startup from Campus to the Cloud at the European AI and Cloud Summit

The Future of AI: Unleashing the Potential of AI Translation

AI-Powered Load Testing in VS Code with Azure Load Testing & GitHub Copilot

Infrastructure Landing Zone – Implementation Decision-Making:


Power AI App Development with Java and Azure at Microsoft JDConf 2025

Cloud Security Made Easy: Protect Your Apps with Microsoft Azure

Manging the cost of AI: Leveraging the FinOps Framework

Build, Innovate, and #Hacktogether!

Microsoft Developer Blogs

Introducing automatic documentation comment generation in Visual Studio

TLS 1.3 support in Azure Cosmos DB

2025/03/31 から Azure Cosmos DB が TLS 1.3 をサポートする予定ですが、それに伴う潜在的な問題を回避するために最新の Cosmos SDK または JRE バージョンへのアップグレードを推奨する旨、記載されています。

Guest Blog: Build a Multi-Agent System Using Microsoft Azure AI Agent Service and Semantic Kernel in 3 Simple Steps!

Introducing ABAP Support in GitHub Copilot for Eclipse

Self-Serve Restoration in Microsoft Dev Box

Microsoft Fabric Blog

Unlock the power of your Iceberg data in OneLake



