Azure Blog / Azure Update / Microsoft Tech Community ピックアップ (2025/03/19)

ブログ エントリ内にアフィリエイト広告が含まれています

2025/03/19 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップし、まとめました。

  1. 2025/03/19 のピックアップ
    1. Azure Blog
      1. Accelerating agentic workflows with Azure AI Foundry, NVIDIA NIM, and NVIDIA AgentIQ
      2. Microsoft and NVIDIA accelerate AI development and performance
    2. Azure Update
      1. Retirement: Azure Spring Apps to Be Retired on March 31, 2028
      2. Retirement: Kubenet Networking for Azure Kubernetes Service to Be Retired on March 31, 2028
      3. Generally Available: VM Hibernation on GPU VMs
      4. Generally Available: Azure NetApp Files Application Volume Group for SAP HANA – Extension 1
      5. Generally Available: Azure NetApp Files Application Volume Group for Oracle
      6. Generally Available: Serverless GPUs in Azure Container Apps with NVIDIA NIM Support
    3. Microsoft Tech Community
      1. ProcDump 3.4.1 for Linux and Sysmon 1.3.5 for Linux
      2. SAP Content Server 7.54 on Windows with FileServer as Document Store
      3. Application Control for Business, Schema Definition
      4. AI innovation requires AI security: Hear what’s new at Microsoft Secure
      5. Hibernation is now Generally Available on GPU VMs!
      6. Unveiling the Shadows: Extended Critical Asset Protection with MSEM
      7. People of Purview: Victor Wingsing, Jr.
      8. Azure at KubeCon Europe 2025 | London, UK - April 1-4
      9. Level up your defense: protect against attacks using stale user accounts
      10. Announcing GA for Azure Container Apps Serverless GPUs
      11. Accelerating the Intelligence Age with Azure AI Infrastructure and the GA of ND GB200 v6
      12. Canonical Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Reaching End of Standard Support
      13. Unlock Performance Gains with NVIDIA Inference Optimizations on Azure AI Foundry
      14. Using Vector Tiles for Large-Scale Geospatial Applications
    4. Microsoft Developer Blogs
      1. Announcing the General Availability of OpenID Connect external identity provider support for Microsoft Entra External ID
      2. Boost your GitHub productivity with our new multi-account support!
      3. Embracing Zero Trust: Never Trust, Always Verify
      4. Upcoming Updates for Azure Pipelines Agents Images
      5. .NET 10 Preview 2 is now available!
      6. Build a Streamlit application with Fabric SQL Database
      7. Optimizing Build Times with Build Insights: How Activision Cut Call of Duty’s Build Time by 50%
    5. Microsoft Fabric Blog
      1. Powerful improvements for Copy Job
      2. Fabric Espresso – Episodes about Data Science & Machine Learning in Microsoft Fabric
  2. 参考リンク

2025/03/19 のピックアップ

Azure Blog

Accelerating agentic workflows with Azure AI Foundry, NVIDIA NIM, and NVIDIA AgentIQ

Microsoft and NVIDIA accelerate AI development and performance

Microsoft と NVIDIA は、最新の NVIDIA Blackwell プラットフォームや NIM マイクロサービスを Azure AI Foundry に統合、AI エージェントや生成 AI アプリケーションの迅速な展開を支援していている旨、記載されています。

Azure Update

Retirement: Azure Spring Apps to Be Retired on March 31, 2028

Azure Spring Apps (Basic、Standard、Enterprise プラン) が 2028/03/31 に廃止されるため、Azure Container Apps や Azure Kubernetes Service への移行を推奨している旨のアナウンスです。

Retirement: Kubenet Networking for Azure Kubernetes Service to Be Retired on March 31, 2028

Generally Available: VM Hibernation on GPU VMs

コスト効率の良いワークロードの一時停止ができるよう、Azure GPU 仮想マシンでの VM 休止機能が GA した旨のアナウンスです。

Generally Available: Azure NetApp Files Application Volume Group for SAP HANA – Extension 1

Generally Available: Azure NetApp Files Application Volume Group for Oracle

Generally Available: Serverless GPUs in Azure Container Apps with NVIDIA NIM Support

Microsoft Tech Community

ProcDump 3.4.1 for Linux and Sysmon 1.3.5 for Linux

ファイル名の日時セパレーターの変更、およびアップグレード時の設定復元が改善された最新アップデート ProcDump 3.4.1 for Linux と Sysmon 1.3.5 for Linux がリリースされた旨、記載されています

SAP Content Server 7.54 on Windows with FileServer as Document Store

Application Control for Business, Schema Definition

AI innovation requires AI security: Hear what’s new at Microsoft Secure

Hibernation is now Generally Available on GPU VMs!

Unveiling the Shadows: Extended Critical Asset Protection with MSEM

People of Purview: Victor Wingsing, Jr.

Azure at KubeCon Europe 2025 | London, UK – April 1-4

Level up your defense: protect against attacks using stale user accounts

Announcing GA for Azure Container Apps Serverless GPUs

Accelerating the Intelligence Age with Azure AI Infrastructure and the GA of ND GB200 v6

Canonical Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Reaching End of Standard Support

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS の Standard サポートが 2025/05/31 に終了するため、Ubuntu 22.04 LTS や Ubuntu 24.04 LTSへの移行、もしくは Ubuntu Pro へのアップグレードを推奨している旨、記載されています。

Unlock Performance Gains with NVIDIA Inference Optimizations on Azure AI Foundry

Using Vector Tiles for Large-Scale Geospatial Applications

Microsoft Developer Blogs

Announcing the General Availability of OpenID Connect external identity provider support for Microsoft Entra External ID

他の ID プロバイダーとの統合が可能にする、Microsoft Entra External ID が OpenID Connect 外部 ID プロバイダーのサポートが GA した旨、アナウンスされています。

Boost your GitHub productivity with our new multi-account support!

Embracing Zero Trust: Never Trust, Always Verify

Upcoming Updates for Azure Pipelines Agents Images

.NET 10 Preview 2 is now available!

ランタイム、SDK、ライブラリ、C#、ASP.NET Core、Blazor、.NET MAUIなど、多くの改善が加えられた、.NET 10 Preview 2がリリースされた旨、アナウンスされました。

Build a Streamlit application with Fabric SQL Database

Optimizing Build Times with Build Insights: How Activision Cut Call of Duty’s Build Time by 50%

Microsoft Fabric Blog

Powerful improvements for Copy Job

Fabric Espresso – Episodes about Data Science & Machine Learning in Microsoft Fabric



