Azure Blog / Azure Update / Microsoft Tech Community ピックアップ (2023/07/06)

ブログ エントリ内にアフィリエイト広告が含まれています

2023/07/06 で確認できている、公開情報やアナウンスをピックアップし、まとめました。

  1. 2023/07/06 のピックアップ
    1. Azure Update
      1. Public preview: Sensitive Data Protection for Application Gateway Web Application Firewall logs
      2. Public Preview: Azure Monitor Agent supports VM Insights in Azure Government Cloud
      3. Public preview: Azure Monitor Agent Health experience
      4. Public preview: Azure Monitor application insights configurable Real User Monitoring for Java
      5. Public Preview: Azure Monitor Logs improved table-level RBAC
      6. Public preview: Managed private endpoint for Azure Managed Grafana
      7. Public Preview: Azure Monitor Pod Sandboxing support in Container insights
      8. Public Preview: Ingest events from Azure Event Hubs to Azure Monitor Logs
      9. Generally available: Azure Premium SSD v2 Disk Storage is now available in more regions.
      10. Azure Service Fabric 9.1 Fifth Refresh Release
      11. Azure Service Fabric 9.0 Tenth Refresh Release
    2. Microsoft Tech Community
      1. Set up an API within Azure API Management to facilitate the implementation of server-sent events.
      2. May 2023 Cumulative Update Explained
      3. Correlating alerts in Microsoft Defender for Cloud
      4. Windows 365 Frontline is now generally available
      5. Network ATC management in Windows Admin Center
      6. AI for Business Leaders: Transform your business with Microsoft AI
      7. Windows Server Annual Channel for Containers
      8. Tips when migrating to Azure Monitor Agent from Log Analytics agent
      9. How to identify a stopped service in a Windows VM using Log Analytics Workspace
      10. NCSI Change Notification
      11. Announcing the Public Preview: Ingest events from Azure Event Hubs into Azure Monitor Logs
  2. 参考リンク

2023/07/06 のピックアップ

Azure Update

Public preview: Sensitive Data Protection for Application Gateway Web Application Firewall logs

Public Preview: Azure Monitor Agent supports VM Insights in Azure Government Cloud

Public preview: Azure Monitor Agent Health experience

Public preview: Azure Monitor application insights configurable Real User Monitoring for Java

Public Preview: Azure Monitor Logs improved table-level RBAC

Public preview: Managed private endpoint for Azure Managed Grafana

Public Preview: Azure Monitor Pod Sandboxing support in Container insights

Public Preview: Ingest events from Azure Event Hubs to Azure Monitor Logs

Generally available: Azure Premium SSD v2 Disk Storage is now available in more regions.

Azure Service Fabric 9.1 Fifth Refresh Release

Azure Service Fabric 9.0 Tenth Refresh Release

Microsoft Tech Community

Set up an API within Azure API Management to facilitate the implementation of server-sent events.

May 2023 Cumulative Update Explained

Correlating alerts in Microsoft Defender for Cloud

Windows 365 Frontline is now generally available

Network ATC management in Windows Admin Center

AI for Business Leaders: Transform your business with Microsoft AI

Windows Server Annual Channel for Containers

Tips when migrating to Azure Monitor Agent from Log Analytics agent

How to identify a stopped service in a Windows VM using Log Analytics Workspace

NCSI Change Notification

Announcing the Public Preview: Ingest events from Azure Event Hubs into Azure Monitor Logs


